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Travel birds
Costa Rica 2010
Golden-hooded tanager, Manuel Antonio
Cherrie´s tanager, Manuel Antonio
Cherrie´s tanager, female, Manuel Antonio
Masked tityra, Manuel Antonio
Pale-vented Pigeon, Manuel Antonio
Pale-vented Pigeon, Manuel Antonio
Yellow-bellied siskin, Savegre Mountain Lodge
Yellow-bellied siskin, Savegre Mountain Lodge
Yellow-thighed finch, Savegre Mountain Lodge
Volcano hummingbird, female, Savegre Mountain Lodge
Volcano junco, Antenna Station
Volcano junco, Antenna Station
Large-footed finch, La Georgina Resturang
White-throated mountain-gem, Savegre Mountain Lodge
White-throated mountain-gem, Savegre Mountain Lodge
Green violet-ear, Savegre Mountain Lodge
Magnificent hummingbird, Savegre Mountain Lodge
Slaty flowerpiercer, Savegre Mountain Lodge
Green violet-ear, Savegre Mountain Lodge
Volcano hummingbird, Savegre Mountain Lodge
Rufous-collared sparrow, Savegre Mountain Lodge
Stripe-tailed hummingbird, Savegre Mountain Lodge
Black-capped flycatcher, Savegre Mountain Lodge
Sooty-capped bush-tanager, Savegre Mountain Lodge
Collared redstart, Savegre Mountain Lodge
Streaked xenops, Savegre Mountain Lodge
Stripe-tailed hummingbird, Savegre Mountain Lodge
Resplendent Quetzal,female, Savegre Mountain Lodge
Volcano hummingbird,female Savegre Mountain Lodge
Volcano hummingbird,female Savegre Mountain Lodge
Yellowish flycatcher, Savegre Mountain Lodge
Resplendent Quetzal, Savegre Mountain Lodge
Resplendent Quetzal, Savegre Mountain Lodge
Resplendent Quetzal, Savegre Mountain Lodge
Resplendent Quetzal, Savegre Mountain Lodge
Resplendent Quetzal, Savegre Mountain Lodge
Resplendent Quetzal, Savegre Mountain Lodge
Resplendent Quetzal, Savegre Mountain Lodge
Resplendent Quetzal, Savegre Mountain Lodge
Resplendent Quetzal, Savegre Mountain Lodge
Resplendent Quetzal, Savegre Mountain Lodge
Resplendent Quetzal, Savegre Mountain Lodge
Yellowish flycatcher, Savegre Mountain Lodge
Spangle-cheeked tanager, Savegre Mountain Lodge
Tufted flycatcher, Savegre Mountain Lodge
Tufted flycatcher, Savegre Mountain Lodge
Stripe-tailed hummingbird, Savegre Mountain Lodge
Volcano hummingbird,female Savegre Mountain Lodge
Volcano hummingbird,female Savegre Mountain Lodge
White-thoated mountain-gem, Savegre Mountain Lodge
Mountain elaenia, Savegre Mountain Lodge
White-throated mountain-gem, female, Savegre Mountain Lodge
White-throated mountain-gem, Savegre Mountain Lodge
White-throated mountain-gem, Savegre Mountain Lodge
White-throated mountain-gem, female, Savegre Mountain Lodge
White-throated mountain-gem, female, Savegre Mountain Lodge
Spot-crowned woodcreeper, Savegre Mountain Lodge
Spot-crowned woodcreeper, Savegre Mountain Lodge
Violet-crowned woodnymph, Rancho Naturalista
Rufous-tailed hummingbird, Rancho Naturalista
Rufous-tailed hummingbird, Rancho Naturalista
White-necked jacobin, female, Rancho Naturalista
Violet-crowned woodnymph, Rancho Naturalista
Rufous-tailed hummingbird, Rancho Naturalista
Violet-crowned woodnymph, Rancho Naturalista
White-necked jacobin, female, Rancho Naturalista
White-necked jacobin, Rancho Naturalista
Blue-grey tanager, Rancho Naturalista
White-necked jacobin, Rancho Naturalista
Black-headed saltator, Rancho Naturalista
Black-headed saltator, Rancho Naturalista
Collared aracari, Rancho Naturalista
Collared aracari, Rancho Naturalista
Collared aracari, Rancho Naturalista
White-necked jacobin, Rancho Naturalista
White-necked jacobin, Rancho Naturalista
Violet-crowned woodnymph, Rancho Naturalista
Violet-crowned woodnymph, Rancho Naturalista
Yellow-faced grassquit, Rancho Naturalista
Orange-billed sparrow, Rancho Naturalista
Collared aracari, Rancho Naturalista
Collared aracari, Rancho Naturalista
Collared aracari, Rancho Naturalista
White-necked jacobin, female, Rancho Naturalista
Passerini´s tanager, Rancho Naturalista
Brown jay, Rancho Naturalista
Brown jay, Rancho Naturalista
White-necked jacobin, Rancho Naturalista
Passerini´s tanager, Rancho Naturalista
Passerini´s tanager, Rancho Naturalista
Clay-colored thrush, Selva Verde
Clay-colored thrush, Selva Verde
Gray-necked wood-rail, Selva Verde
Summer tanager, Selva Verde
Blue-grey tanager, Selva Verde
Olive-backed euphonia, Selva Verde
Montezuma oropendola, Arenal Observatory Lodge
Montezuma oropendola, Arenal Observatory Lodge
Green honeycreeper, Arenal Observatory Lodge
Collared aracari, Arenal Observatory Lodge
Collared aracari, Arenal Observatory Lodge
Rufous -tailed hummingbird, Arenal Observatory Lodge
Gray-headed chachalaca, Arenal Observatory Lodge
Red-legged honeycreeper, Arenal Observatory Lodge
Red-legged honeycreeper, Arenal Observatory Lodge
Montezuma oropendola, Arenal Observatory Lodge
Black-cheeked woodpecker, Arenal Observatory Lodge
Black-cheeked woodpecker, Arenal Observatory Lodge
Eastern woodpewee, Arenal Observatory Lodge
Gray hawk, Arenal Observatory Lodge
Muscovy duck, La Ensenada
Black-crowned tityra, La Ensenada
White-fronted parrot, La Ensenada
Eastern Meadowlark, La Ensenada
Groove-billed ani, La Ensenada
Green heron, La Ensenada
Green heron, La Ensenada
White-throated magpie-jay, La Ensenada
Dusky-capped flycatcher, La Ensenada
White-throated magpie-jay, La Ensenada
Squirrel cuckoo, La Ensenada
Pacific screach owl, Solimar
Brwon-crested flycatcher, Solimar
Brwon-crested flycatcher, Solimar
Amazon kingfisher. Solimar
Ringed kingfisher, Solimar
Double-striped thick-knee, Solimar
Lesser night-hawk, Solimar
Lesser night-hawk, Solimar
Limpkin, Solimar
Ferruginous pygmy-owl, Solimar
Ferruginous pygmy-owl, Solimar
Turkey vulture, Solimar
Bare-throated tiger-heron, Solimar
Bare-throated tiger-heron, Solimar
Northern jacana, Solimar
Cattle egret and northern jacana, Solimar
Jabiru, Solimar
Great kiskadee, Punta Leona
Inca dove, Punta Leona
Rose-throated becard. Punta Leona
Black-headed trogon, La Ensenada
Lineated woodpecker, La Ensenada
Lineated woodpecker, La Ensenada
White-tipped dove, Punta Leona
Spot-breasted oriole, La Ensenada
Hoffmans woodpecker, La Ensenada
Hoffmans woodpecker, La Ensenada
Spot-breasted oriole, La Ensenada
Orange-chinned parakeet, La Ensenada
Streak-backed oriole, La Ensenada
Streak-backed oriole, La Ensenada
Royal tern, La Ensenada
Royal tern, brown pelican, laughing gull, La Ensenada
Turquise-browed motmot, La Ensenada
Turquise-browed motmot, La Ensenada
Turquise-browed motmot, La Ensenada
Turquise-browed motmot, La Ensenada
Streaked flycatcher, Punta Leona
Groove-billed ani, Punta Leona
Violaceous trogon, Punta Leona
White ibis, roseate spoonbill, Tarcoles village
Roseate spoonbill, Tarcoles village
White ibis, Tarcoles village
Bare-throated tiger-heron, Tarcoles village
Pacific screech-owl, Tarcole
Bare-throated tiger-heron, Rio Tarcoles
Green heron. Rio Tarcoles
Snowy egret, Rio Tarcoles
Great blue heron, Rio Tarcoles
Yellow-crowned night-heron, juvenile, Rio Tarcoles
Boat-billed heron, Rio Tarcoles
Boat-billed heron, Rio Tarcoles
Black-necked stilt, Rio Tarcoles
Blue-winged teal, Rio Tarcoles
Little blue heron, Rio Tarcoles
Yellow-headed caracara, Rio Tarcoles
Southern lapwing, Rio Tarcoles
Whimprel, Rio Tarcoles
Southern lapwing, Rio Tarcoles
Tricolored heron, Rio Tarcoles
Double-striped thick-knee, Rio Tarcoles
Anhinga, Rio Tarcoles
Mangrove black-hawk, Rio Tarcoles
Neotropic cormorant, Rio Tarcoles
Ruddy turnstone, Rio Tarcoles
Laughing gull, Rio Tarcoles
Magnificent frigatebird, Rio Tarcoles
Yellow (Mangrove) warbler, Rio Tarcoles
Mangrove black-hawk, Rio Tarcoles
Mangrove swallow, Rio Tarcoles, nesting on the boat that took us around.
Mangrove black-hawk, Rio Tarcoles
Anhinga, Rio Tarcoles
Royal flycatcher, Carara
Royal flycatcher, Carara
Tropical kingbird, Carara
Tennessee warbler, San Jose
Black-and-white warbler, San Jose
Black-and-white warbler, San Jose
Ruddy ground-dove, Punta Leona
Great kiskadee, Punta Leona
Rufous-naped wren, Punta Leona
Rufous-naped wren, Punta Leona
Great-tailed grackle, Punta Leona
Great-tailed grackle, Punta Leona